Southeastern Wind Farms in Australia
Wind energy and the Southeast
- Wind energy is fast growing in Australia
- The Southeast is home to some of the most tremendous wind farms in the country and the hemisphere
- The Ararat wind farm is capable of powering 123,000 local homes
Wind is the fastest growing renewable source of energy in Australia. With this increase in wind energy consumption, researchers set out to find the best areas for harnessing wind energy. This happens to be the coasts of Southeastern Australia. This area is home to some of the world’s best wind resources. So, it comes as no surprise that Southeastern Australia would be home to many wind farms. The Southeast is also home to the southern hemisphere’s massive wind farm, the Ararat.
There are many wind farms throughout the Southeastern coast of Australia. Res is a developer of renewable energy in Australia and has been developing wind farms throughout the country. The Ararat wind farm by Res is predicted to be the third largest wind farm in Australia, producing 240 MW (megawatts). This wind farm has 75 turbines that are capable of powering up to 123,000 homes in the local vicinity. The Ararat is said to be the biggest wind farm in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Southeast is attracting the interest of scientists and energy companies
- The Southeast has some of the world’s best winds which is of interest to geological and meteorological scientists
- Energy companies such as Res and GE are building wind farms in places like Victoria and New South Wales
- The constant wind speeds and smooth surface areas make the Southeast an ideal wind energy spot
- The Southeast may be a leader in the creation of cleaner renewable energy
With wind farms like Ararat in Southeastern Australia, the country will be capable of powering itself using the renewable resource of wind. Companies like Res are looking to Southeastern Australia for building wind farms to harness the world’s best wind resources. Victoria and New South Wales are areas of extreme interest, not only for energy companies like Res and GE, but for many geological and meteorological scientists as well. These companies and researchers are interested in building the most efficient and low environmental impact in the area to produce the cleanest energy for the country.
Southeastern Australia’s wind farms are in the best area for producing energy from wind. The area has high wind speeds on average, the winds are constant or they coincide with peak energy consumption hours, the smooth geological area allows for winds to increase speed which decrease any mechanical stress on turbines and the wind farms are close to high demand areas such as Victoria and New South Wales. Southeastern Australia is expected to see an increase in wind farms as well as turbines at existing wind farms.
With Southeastern Australia being the home to the world’s greatest winds, it is only natural that it is home to the Southern hemisphere’s most enormous wind farm. The third largest wind farm in Australia has 75 turbines that are capable of powering 123,000 local homes. The wind farms, along with energy companies and researchers, are set at achieving the most efficient and low impact energy production in the country. The Southeastern part of the country is expected to see an increase in the wind farms as well as the number of turbines at existing wind farms. It can be said that the wind farms in Southeast Australia will lead the way to producing cleaner renewable energy for the country.